Jpop Recommend #338 Yasashisa by Kaze Fujii

優しさ Yasashisa

藤井 風 Kaze Fujii

Just released in April 2020, this song is his 3rd single.  I already introduced him in my previous post #327 何なんw Nan-Nan.  So if you like this song, please try other songs, too.

In the lyrics, he mention "あの人 ano hito" which literally mean "that person".
It can be a family member, lover and friends.  You can picture someone special for you.

Any comment about this blog is highly appreciated.  Requests to pick up any singer or song are always welcome!

Japanese pronunciation
English translation

今     何    を   見ていた あなた の   夢      を   見た
ima nani wo miteita anata no yume wo mita
What was I watching now?  I saw your dream
優しさ      に    殺られた あの  人   の    木陰     で
yasashisa ni yarareta ano hito no kokage de
I was killed by kindness in the tree shade of that person
今       何   を   見ていた あなた の    影    を   見た
ima nani wo miteita   anata no kage wo mita
What was I watching now?  I saw your shade
優しさ       に  震えた   あの  腕   の    中     で
yasashisa ni furueta ano ude no naka de
I was trembling in the arm of that person

温もり     に   触れた とき  わたし   は    冷たくて
nukumori ni fureta toki watashi wa tsumetakute
Touching the warmth, I was cold
優しさ       に   触れた とき  わたし   は  小さくて
yasashisa ni fureta toki watashi wa chiisakute 
Touching the kindness, I was little

この  広い  世界    の    中    じゃ  収まらない
kono hiroi sekai no naka jya osamaranai 
Wider than this vast world
あなた  の   心         わたし    泳ぐ    だけ
anata no kokoro watashi oyogu dake
your heart I just swim in

ちっぽけ   で  からっぽ で    何にも  持ってない
chippoke de karappo de nanimo mottenai
I'm so small and empty and I have nothing
優しさ       に  触れる たび わたし    は  恥ずかしい
yasashisa ni fureru tabi watashi wa hazukashii
Whenever I touch your kindness, I feel ashamed

知らぬ    間 に   失くしちゃう  から
shiranu ma ni nakushichau kara
It will be lost before I realize
心         に   深く     刻み     込んだ   あなた  の 眼差し
kokoro ni fukaku kizami-konda anata no manazashi
So I engraved deep in my heart your gaze

今     何    を   見ていた あなた の   夢      を   見た
ima nani wo miteita anata no yume wo mita
What was I watching now?  I saw your dream
優しさ      に    殺られた あの  人   の    木陰     で
yasashisa ni yarareta ano hito no kokage de
I was killed by kindness in the tree shade of that person
今       何   を   見ていた あなた の    影    を   見た
ima nani wo miteita   anata no kage wo mita
What was I watching now?  I saw your shade
優しさ       に  震えた   あの  腕   の    中     で
yasashisa ni furueta ano ude no naka de
I was trembling in the arm of that person

置き去り に  した    愛情   を    探し      に  帰って
okizari   ni shita aijyou wo sagashi ni kaettte
Going back in search for the love I left behind
温もり        満ちた     感情        を  いま 呼び  覚まして
nukumori michita kanjyou wo ima yobi-samashite
The feeling filled with warmth I shall recall
凍えた      心        が  愛 に  溶けて  ゆく
kogoeta kokoro ga ai ni tokete yuku
My frozen heart melts with love
花      の   咲く    季節    が    戻って    くる
hana no saku kisetsu ga modotte kuru
The season with blooming flowers will return

今      何   を   見ていた あなた の   目  を  見てた
ima nani wo miteita anata no me wo miteta
What was I watching now?  I was watching your eyes
優しさ      に  殺られた あの   人      の 木陰       で
yasashisa ni yarareta ano  hito no kokage de
I was killed by kindness in the tree shade of that person
それ  だけ  で  良かった  何    より  強かった
sore dake de yokatta nani yori tsuyokatta
That was enough for me  It was stronger than anything
優しさ      で  よかった  ただ  それ   だけ  で
yasashisa de yokatta tada sore dake de
Kindness was enough  It was all I needed

Any comment about this blog is highly appreciated.  Requests to pick up any singer or song are always welcome!


  1. I agree with how this song can apply to anyone you care about. That along with its interesting melody make it one of my favourite songs!

  2. love this song so much! ive been discovering a lot of good songs through this blog. And for that, bless you!!

  3. Thank you for leaving a nice comment! I'm happy to know that you liked my blog. Fujii Kaze's new song is now used for Honda's CM.


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Any comment about this blog is highly appreciated. Requests to pick up any singer or song are always welcome!